Tuesday, June 28, 2011

So you're a wife...

By far the most glamorous position you have likely held. I may be over hyping it. Some people love this gig. I'm fine with the title but the duties don't really hold my interest. Sweep, mop, clean, cook, not wear shoes, be pregnant. Okay maybe not the last two, although I am both barefoot and pregnant as we speak. This is the wife blog for the un-wife. I don't get a thrill from cleaning up my children's and husband's messes, or having a neatly organized closet. I don't really care if the house is clean or dinner is cooked.

Here I will chronicle the hum drum monotony of wifey-hood and include some great tips for my fellow un-wifes. Maybe you guys will get some rockin' ideas.... maybe you will just get a chance to connect with someone like yourself.

If you are a super wife and mom, you will probably cringe, I am okay with that though!

I am just trying to be a wife, here is my journey.

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